Thursday, October 3, 2013

10/4/2013 Ahhhh! Friday...wait! It ia a half day...not a mere Friday but a stupendious day!!!!!


Three questions to ask your marketing team

(or your business development team, your fundraising team or your pr folks)...

Who are you trying to reach?

If you say you are trying to reach everyone, I'll know you're likely to reach no one. How specifically can you identify the psychographics, worldview and needs of the people we seek to change?

Why do they decide to support us?

In order to earn the donation, make the sale, generate the buzz, we need to change people somehow. When we change them, what happens? What story do they tell themselves?

What do you need in order to make this happen more often?

What resources, tools or facts need to be present for this to work for you? What do we have to change about our products, our services or our people? How do you know?


Will find worksheets by tomorrow....quiz on Expenses tomorrow as well.

Tourism Video

Geico...the camel is back
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Swagger Wagon - the original

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