Friday, October 11, 2013

10/11/2013 Happy Birthday Tina!!!!!


How do you compete with free? How does a wedding photographer or a travel agent—someone who used to make a good living performing a task that was hard to do without them—compete against ubiquitous free alternatives?

There's only one way: Sell something better than free.

Make a product or provide a service that's worth paying for.

You don't need a better way to talk about what you do, or a better gimmick, or a better social media strategy. In fact, you need to reinvent and rebuild what you make for a new reality, a reality where paying for something is an intentional act of buying something way better than the free alternative.

I'm sorry if this seems obvious. It's apparently not obvious to all the frustrated people I encounter who are still trying to sell the old thing in a new market.

Breakdown the expenses of football

3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing

Chap 7 questions????
Hey! What about "What does the fox say" as a song for the sports banquet????

What does the Fox say?
Swagger Wagon - the original

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