Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday.....only less than not quite exactely 4 weeks remaining....and if you are absent one of those days, it is like a holiday...hahahahahha

Over the weekend scoreboard:

Women's soccer - they won!!!

Men's Lacrosse - yeah, they won too!

Track and field did well too!

 Women's softball - onward to state tourney!



While reading this sentence, hum your favorite pop tune while writing down the first 15 prime numbers, in order.

Those are three tasks, easy to do separately, basically impossible to do at the same time. If you try, you'll just end up slicing each one into little bits and alternating, almost certainly decreasing the speed and quality of work of each.

Cognitive load slows us down, distracts us and diminishes the quality of the work we do.
We can certainly handle some distraction, in fact, in many cases, a little distraction actually makes things better. Going for a walk, for example, can prompt better ideation than sitting in a dark, silent room might.
The key question for anyone designing software, highways or educational settings is whether or not they are choosing to add productive distraction to our cognitive load.
And for those that seek to be productive, realize that you have a choice about what tools and inputs you're willing to adopt or be distracted by. It's up to you.
(so yes, I was wrong, you can bad)



3-D printing camp - offered through GTCC and GCS over the summer

Let's begin Obj 3
     3.01 Stages of the PLC
Yes, we are going into warp drive!
Open up 3.01 Guided notes....everyone is now responsible for, no grade, unless you don't do them. Do a split screen so you can follow along.
 Referent Power....Apple buying Beats?

Bonus Others
ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Marketing Management  

Quickly....two minutes
what did you find of interest? 
Look, your own notes!!!!! Call it a worksheet and we can continue

Chris Gaines.......Slide 6 - read the "History" only three paragraphs

any time left becomes yours to study ahead

any questions?
Great video about the power of MIM and CRM (MIM is the collection and CRM is the application)
CRM Trust - Lewinsky and Clinton   - and the trust will never be repaired
A bank that breaks up with you?  Yes, it can happen
A more in depth article, but of the same type....
Now think about CRM, Customer Relationship Management and how these examples could play havoc with that relationship.  Trust is gone and what now?  Where does one go?

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