Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9/4/2013 "Hump Day" said the camel as he strolled through the office.

“Do you feel no compunction, Socrates, at having followed a line of action which puts you in danger of the death penalty?'

I might fairly reply to him, 'You are mistaken, my friend, if you think that a man who is worth anything ought to spend his time weighing up the prospects of life and death. He has only one thing to consider in performing any action--that is, whether he is acting rightly or wrongly, like a good man or a bad one.”
Socrates, The Apology

“If you’re an Orthodox believer, then what sustains this framework is the obligation that you follow. But if you live in a democratic, liberal world whose motto is: “Make choices and manage your choices according to what is good for you,” then there is a built-in tension between that which connects and that which divides. Between the material and the intellectual or ethical. Materialism is not a dirty word, but in this tension between the individual and the material on the one hand, and the communal and the ethical on the other, we are at the end of an age in which the material and the individual are triumphing.”
Kalid Gilad


The Magic Eight Ball never lies.....

Obj 2.01 - Ethics
3rd Block

ACT Question of the day
SAT Question of the day

Honors Strategic Marketing
Chap 2 ppt.
Pre-Class Benchmark will be this week.  Friday at this rate.

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